Haiyan ”Han Pu Cup” basketball fraternity ended attract talent

Publish Time: 2018-08-01     Origin: Site

To respond positively to the call centers of the county, the introduction of talent rich cultural life in each enterprise, sponsored by the company, the county centers of organizations, to be held in August this year, Haiyan, "Han Pu Cup," the introduction of talent Basketball Association. Through the introduction of talent to match the county mutual understanding and communication opportunities, talent pool forces to stimulate the introduction of talent-building enterprises, the development of enterprises, energy and enthusiasm.

The game culvert P team players full demonstration of the spirit of the game culvert general staff, in the game full of sweat, to show themselves, never fight the first of the team's all worth learn from colleagues. Last two weeks of the basketball game ended, Han Pu team eventually won medals Fashion Awards. The basketball game between enterprises not only enrich their leisure life style, but also ignite the enthusiasm and confidence of the majority of employees to join the sport. So that each employee who love sports to re-ignite the passion of sport.

But also it reflects the company's focus on training staff has been promoting the overall quality of the entrepreneurial spirit, enhance corporate culture thoroughly, enhance the friendship among the staff, cultivating a spirit of unity and cooperation. Game to achieve the desired effect, by virtue of the unique charm of basketball also shows us the contemporary Han Pu employees vibrant youthful. In the future, the company will continue in the rich cultural and sports life of employees for the purpose of promoting employee health point of view, more and better organized or co-organized a variety of cultural and sports activities, filling our corporate culture, to promote vigorous rapid Han Pu development of.

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